Dorje Gotrab Thangka


Depicted in this thangka the wrathful emanation of Guru Rinpoche Dorje Gotrab (also known as Dorje Gotrap) a powerful Buddhist protector and deity.
Dorje Gotrab is especially important in the Nyingma tradition and he is considered the destroyer of all diseases and epidemics.

In this beautiful thangka painting the central deity is depicted riding a buffalo with nine heads surrounded by flames with Garuda and Vajrapani on top. In this very complex mandala there are several important deities: Chenrezig, Manjushri and Buddha Samanthabadra on the top, Vajravarahi on the left side and lion faced Dakini Simhamukha on the right.
On the bottom Rahula on the left corner, Ekajati in the center and Dorje Legpa (Vajra Sadhu), protector of the Nyingma Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism and guardian of the Terma (revealed treasure).

The powerful healing mantra of Dorje Gotrab is called the “Vajra Armor Mantra” that has as ultimate goal the attainment of the rainbow body.
The Vajra Armor Mantra was first introduced into Tibet in the eighth century by Guru Padmasambhava, who had collected various teachings and practices on this mantra from the ancient Indian Buddhist tradition.



Dorje Gotrab Thangka


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